Φ Liber Abaci Institute


By Nazar Haro & Imi Negev

Anthropology is the study of various aspects of humans within past and present societies. Social anthropology and cultural anthropology study the norms and values of societies. Linguistic anthropology studies how language affects social life. Biological or physical anthropology studies the biological development of humans.

Archaeology, which studies past human cultures through investigation of physical evidence, is thought of as a branch of anthropology in the United States, while in Europe, it is viewed as a discipline in its own right, or grouped under other related disciplines such as history.

Sociocultural anthropology draws together the principle axes of cultural anthropology and social anthropology. Cultural anthropology is the comparative study of the manifold ways in which people make sense of the world around them, while social anthropology is the study of the relationships among individuals and groups. Cultural anthropology is more related to philosophy, literature and the arts (how one's culture affects experience for self and group, contributing to more complete understanding of the people's knowledge, customs, and institutions), while social anthropology is more related to sociology and history, in that it helps develop understanding of social structures, typically of others and other populations (such as minorities, subgroups, dissidents, etc.). There is no hard-and-fast distinction between them, and these categories overlap to a considerable degree.

Inquiry in sociocultural anthropology is guided in part by cultural relativism, the attempt to understand other societies in terms of their own cultural symbols and values. Accepting other cultures in their own terms moderates reductionism in cross-cultural comparison. This project is often accommodated in the field of ethnography. Ethnography can refer to both a methodology and the product of ethnographic research, i.e. an ethnographic monograph. As methodology, ethnography is based upon long-term fieldwork within a community or other research site. Participant observation is one of the foundational methods of social and cultural anthropology. Ethnology involves the systematic comparison of different cultures. The process of participant-observation can be especially helpful to understanding a culture from an emic (conceptual, vs. etic, or technical) point of view.

The study of kinship and social organization is a central focus of sociocultural anthropology, as kinship is a human universal. Sociocultural anthropology also covers economic and political organization, law and conflict resolution, patterns of consumption and exchange, material culture, technology, infrastructure, gender relations, ethnicity, childrearing and socialization, religion, myth, symbols, values, etiquette, worldview, sports, music, nutrition, recreation, games, food, festivals, and language (which is also the object of study in linguistic anthropology).

The Liber Abaci Institute have the commitment to understand from the bottom or origin of our society in this planet to be able to open the cultural borders existing this present days.


Φ Liber Abaci Institute



The Holocaust, also referred to as the Shoah, was a genocide during World War II in which Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany, aided by its collaborators, systematically murdered some six million European Jews, around two-thirds of the Jewish population of Europe. From 1941 to 1945, Germany targeted European Jewry for extermination as part of a larger event that included the persecution and murder of other groups. A broader definition of the Holocaust includes the murder of the Roma and the "incurably sick". A broader definition still includes ethnic Poles, other Slavic groups, Soviet citizens and prisoners of war, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, black people, and political opponents.

There is a lot of sources all around the world that denies the Holocaust afirming that was media manipulation. Also there is an study in the Auschwitz camp about the number of victims killed with a contradictory statistic about not being enough time to kill that much people the way the Nazi party have state, with the gas camera, and there is no prove of that way of massive killing.

Also the Liber Abaci Institute deny the Holocaust with a variety of documents that shows that the people in control of the world called "The Illuminati" have Jew traditions and ancestors. Hitler have mention in an speech: "The British Jews in control of the western economic system", as the English Royalty Jews was for Hitler over the Rothschild Jews from Europe that have founded the Federal Reserve in 1913 on the USA.

Is known by the popular culture that "The Illuminati" are Jews known as "Zionist", but they are not Israel as they are confirmed christians and this particular people have cause the Holocaust as media manipulation technique for intimidation from Adolf Hitler. Also Hitler knew about the issue of the world central bank named "Federal Reserve" that is a modern slavery system and is control by Jews in the USA, not by UK and not by Israel.

Adolf Hitler was trying to intimidate the Zionist on control of the economic system with media manipulation. The Liber Abaci Institute have invest time looking into the Nazi pictures of the murdered Jews for more evidence. There is just a few pictures of women and children in extreme conditions and the rest are just male sacrifices for the intimidation of the of the "Illuminati".

Hitler and the Nazi party were racist but there is a lot of facts about the Jews in control of the world being the ones hunted by Hitler to get free of the modern slavery system named the Federal Reserve. The Rothschild family are rich bankers from Europe the ones have found the central bank of the world on 1913 and also the UK Royalty have Jew traditions and ancestors.

This Zionist in control have provoke an offense of extermination to the Israel people being the Jew woman the most charming, beautiful and smart of the world & the Hebrew culture being the mother of western major religions. Also after knowing that the Federal Reserve System founded in 1913 is control by jews makes more sense the antisemitic propaganda.

The Illuminati are the jews Hitler was trying to kill and the "Fake Holocaust" has been for intimidation.

May 27, 2018 Liber Abaci Institute.


Φ Liber Abaci Institute



According to a variety of investigations the rhythm have been perceived for ourselves through the walking and the heartbeat as that natural repetitions have gave to us the first sequences.

Also we naturally look for perfection, with the example of an hominid giving the food to the offsprings at the same time to the modern development of the clocks.

There is exsisting registers about drummings before ancient combats and the evidence in present hominids show how they mark with sound sequences before the figth. The rhythm has been always present in combat from our origins.

The rhythm in music of ancient civilizations was not having a specific system to define or limit it. The music was more an improvisation generating polyrhythm with a variety of percussive instruments.

Classical Japan and the European Renaissance show us how the music started having a more defined rhythm system together with the finalization of a track. The composition has defined our rhythm systems.

Antique poetry has defined the rhyme following 2 and 4 sentences. The minstrels compositions have also followed the pattern of repetitions after 2 and 4 sentences.

Popular music have adopt an specific rhythmic unit following 2 - 4 - 8 - 16 - 32 - 64 steady pulses and bars sequenced in progressive stages. There is also another rhythmic units that are explored in jazz improvisations and modern compositions.

The numbers are the same summation of digits in all the universe, the unit represents a single entity and it is also the first of the infinite sequence of the natural numbers. The multiplication of the unit gave us the first sequence, the number 2 and the multiplication of the double unit it is the number 4 consequently goes the sequence to the number 8, 16, 32, 64, etc.

There is an aesthetic rule of the rhythm following the previous sequence based in the number "4". No one have standardize it and is the traditional rhythmic unit from our recent past in composition. The reason of this natural rule is just the sequence of the multiplication of the unit or the number "1".

Liber Abaci Institute. 07/09/18.


Φ Liber Abaci Institute



Man, since he is a man, is in search of aesthetic beginning with the fact of the sexual reproduction and, consequently, at the end of the chain this search has derived in modern art, making our life more colorful and meaningful.

Music has been a very important element since our origins for all the ceremonies and celebrations that we still do today. In modern times technology has made possible to transport art to any space and time to make our life more complete.

Art and specifically music can make an ordinary moment something special, like a romantic moment with your couple or a cool moment with some friends, a ride is never better than with music before arriving to the final destiny. Also music can be used as motivation for sports and all the fitness activities are accompanied with music.

People who use urban transport are the best proof that art transforms routine into special moments. They listen to songs of love that remember the beloved and when they listen to any song lyric they have their own understanding according to their daily basis. Electronic music can give a concentration trance to reach the desired place.

The music transmits feelings to be able to turn the situation into the desired atmosphere making an important moment more special, but more important is the ordinary moment transformed into a trance of individuality or collectiveness for motivation to the reach of our goals, be a place of destination or a long agenda full of obstacles.

The arts have made a beautiful world transformed by the search for aesthetics.​

Liber Abaci Institute. 04/11/18.


Φ Liber Abaci Institute



The Hebrews are an antique culture with records dating 1500 years BCE and they are very important and relevant in the modern world in a variety of ways. The Judaism in records has appear in the hellenistic period in Greece arround 300 years BCE.

According to some intellectuals the Bible is a historical book. The semitic group according with the Bible have get separated after Abraham with the Israelites of Isaac and the Ishmaelites of Ishmael in Sumerian times.

One of the ways to follow the trace of history back is with the folklore and here we are analyzing the hebrew music as a trace of origin. The Jew music is a rich construction of a variety of atmospheres that have a lot of impact in Europe and allmost all the world through the Christian Church.

European folklore is very rich and variant from east Polkas to east north bagpipe music and after years of analizis the Liber Abaci Institute states that European Folklore shares the atmospheres of the Hebrew music in every cultural location in Europe. The Hebrew music shows how possibly Israel is the common origin of the european cultures.

Adam and Eve is a history of origin that goes by the hand with the ancient meztizaje theory of the Institute and there is more biblical registers that the history is more old than we know. Also the Liber Abaci Institute afirms that the caucasism is a condition in all Europe.

European cultures present records origin do not match with the apperance of the Jews but the modern science world is aware that there is unknown chapters in our history. The Liber Abaci Institute is shure that the Hebrew music is evidence of the European cultures origin.

Liber Abaci Institute. 11/June/18.

Φ Liber Abaci Institute


By Nazar Haro & Imi Negevs